Frost Has Arrived

Frost Has Arrived

Frost has arrived. This means gardening is over this year for most people. Persephone is halfway to Hades and she’s taken the growing season with her. Beginning Nov. 10 we have less than 10 hours of daylight here in Connecticut. And, with less than 10 hours of sun, plants won’t grow, not with any seriousness…

#37 Samhain

#37 Samhain

                The madman finally came to terms with the frost. He simply said, “After all it is almost Samhain”. Sounds like another excuse for a bonfire to me. In another reference to our Wheel of the Year, Samhain is the ending of the harvest and the coming of the darkness. Celtic Celebration                 Midway between…

#3 The Final Walk Around

The sun is shining, the temperature is 42˚, and the wind is calm. Looks like a perfect day for the final walk-around. Yes, we have already buttoned up the garden, but we always like to take a final stroll because try as we may, we always miss something. Like the new garden spade that got…